Monday, 21 October 2024 Login Register


Monday 21st October 2024

On West Holm this morning, were the 26 Eygptian geese, 23 Curlew & a Ringed plover,
Other waders were 4 Black-tailed godwits (Island lake) & 7 Redshanks,
Also seen was Bearded tits (heard in Cell 'C'), Marsh harrier, 2 Stonechats, 5+ Great spotted woodpeckers, Kingfisher & Peregrine (both East Holm)

Drake Wigeon from the South hide

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/21/2024 8:27:43 PM

Sunday 20th October 2024

In the early morning, there were again 26 Eygptian geese & 22 Curlews on East Holm, both departing in the early morning,
2 Black-tailed godwits were on Cell 'A', with a total of 14 Redshanks seen,
Also seen were 40 Cormorants (Village lake), about 50 Golden plovers south, a Greenshank, Marsh harrier, a male & 2 female Bearded tits (Crossland's lake), Kingfisher, 9 Canada geese, 4 Whooper swans & a Grey wagtail

Great crested grebe on the Main lake

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/20/2024 12:07:56 PM

Saturday 19th October 2024

In the early morning, there were 26 Eygptian geese & 37 Curlews on East Holm,
2 groups of Whooper swans were seen in the morning, with 5 & then 12 both heading south east,
There was a Swallow south over the Car park,
A Treecreeper was seen in the North hedge, by the Far lake,
The Bittern circled the reserve & then settled in the Village lake reeds,
Also seen was 4 Black-tailed godwits (2 in Cell 'A' & 2 on the Island/Village lake), Kingfisher, 42 Cormorants on the Carp lake, at least 60 Redwings on the reserve, a Canada goose on the Silt pond & 500+ Pink-footed geese over

Little grebe on the Main lake in the rain

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/19/2024 4:08:39 PM

Friday 18th October 2024

Today, there were the 2 Black-tailed godwits on the Island lake, with 3 Redshanks there & single birds on the Silt pond, East Holm & Crossland's lake, 14 Curlews seen, plus 10 Golden plovers flying west over the Silt pond,
The Bittern was on the Reed-bed in the afternoon,
5 Bearded tits & a Stonechat were in Cell 'A', seen from Crossland's hide,
Also seen was 60+ Redwings (flying west), Kingfisher (Crossland's lake), 4 Shelduck (East Holm), Grey wagtail (south), 36 Cormorants (Village lake), 5 Great crested grebes, a Canada goose (Silt pond), Marsh harrier (over Dryham lane flying east) & Red kite over the Island lake,
Common darter was flying today

Palmate newt by the Turret hide path

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/18/2024 6:34:00 AM

Thursday 17th October 2024

There was a Black-tailed godwit, 12 Curlews & 3 Redshanks on the Island lake,
A pair of Eygptian geese were on Crossland's lake, with 2 Redshanks on the Silt pond, 2 Goldcrests (Dryham lane), a pair of Stonechat & the Peregrine being seen over East Holm,
Migrant hawker, Common darter & Peacock were seen today

Long-tailed tit on Dryham lane

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/17/2024 4:54:38 PM

Wednesday 16th October 2024

Waders today, included 11 & 20 Golden plovers south, 2 Black-tailed godwits (Island lake), 7 Curlews (North field), 3 Green sandpipers (New workings)Greenshank & 2 Redshanks (East Holm) & a Redshank (Silt pond),
A female Pintail landed on West Holm, with 3 Wigeon, 
In the early morning, there were again 26 Eygptian geese on East Holm
Also seen was a male Stonechat (Island lake & Reed-bed) & Marsh harrier
Migrant hawker was present today

Dabbling Teal on the Far lake

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/16/2024 6:34:58 PM

Tuesday 15th October 2024

On the Island lake there was 3 Black-tailed godwits, 2 Ruffs & 7 Redshanks (with another on the Silt pond),
A Whooper swan was seen to fly north,
On the Reed-bed, a Bittern was seen,
Also seen was Little owl & several skeins of Pink-footed geese
Migrant hawker was flying

Drake Wigeon on the Main lake

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/15/2024 6:37:16 PM

Monday 14th October 2024

On the Island lake today, there was 5 Black-tailed godwits, 7 Redshank, 2 Green sandpipers &  21 Curlew,
A Bittern was seen on the Reed-bed,
On East Holm, there were 25 Eygptian geese in the early morning, 7 Dunlin, Marsh harrier, Red kite & the 'resident' Peregrine,
In the evening, 4 Whooper swans flew east over the  reserve,
Also seen was 10+ Redwings (flying over), Coal tit (West path), 6 Bearded tits (Cell 'C'), Jay (West End) & Tawny owl calling from the West path at dusk,
Dragonflies - Migrant hawker, Common darter & Willow emerald damselfly

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/14/2024 8:25:57 PM

Sunday 13th October 2024

There was 4 Black-tailed godwits on the island lake, with a Ruff flying over the lake towards the North field,
5 Redshanks were on the Silt pond,
20+ Cormorants were on the Carp lake, with several skeins of Pink-footed geese seen flying north
Also seen was 3 Whooper swans (West Holm) & Little owl.

Black-tailed godwit on the island lake

Posted By: BJNcw on 10/13/2024 3:01:26 PM