Monday, 21 October 2024 Login Register

Annual report 2010

              Bird Records 2010  For North Cave Wetlands.


Mute Swan: WeBS counts of none in January,

                     Seven in February,

                     Two in March with 10 on 1st March.

                     WeBS count of six in October,

                     Two in November

                     but none in December.

                     One pair attempted to breed but failed.


Whooper Swan: 14 flew North on 24th January,

                            Pair plus a juvenile flew North on 7th February.

                            In April 22 flew North over reserve on 7th.

                            In October six flew south on 20th.

                            In November five, pair with three Juveniles on 1st, three on 4th, five, pair with 3 juveniles again on 6th, 7th, 8th and 18th.

                            In December 14, nine adults and five juveniles on 4th, five a pair with three juveniles on 5th,

                            seven, four adults and three juveniles  on 9th, five adults on 11th.


Pink-Footed Goose: In January 44 flew North-West and 15 flew South on 1st, one on 2nd with Greylag flock, 80 flew East on 6th.

                                   In February c70 flew North on 21st.

                                   In March one on 1st and 6th with Greylag flock.

                                   In September three with Greylag flock on 19th and c300 flew south on 20th.

                                   In October 35 flew south on 5th.

                                   In November 50 south on 7th, 350 south on 14th.

                                   In December 45 north on 3rd, four with Greylag flock on 11th and finally 27 north on 18th.


Greylag Goose: WeBS counts of none in January,

                            25 in February,

                            85 in March.

                            WeBS count of five in October,

                            340 in November

                            12 in December.

                            c800 on 15th September was the highest count of the year.

                            At least 6 pairs bred this year.


Canada Goose: One on 30th January was first of the year,

                           Four on 28th February,

                           In April two on 30th.

                           122 on 21st September with 171 on 26th September being the largest flock recorded on the reserve during the year.


Barnacle Goose: One on 18th November was only report of a pure bird but several hybrids were recorded during the autumn and winter months,

                             Various combinations included  Barnacle Goose x Canada Goose, Barnacle x Greylag Goose and Grelag Goose x Canada

                             Goose presumably from Whitton Sands in the Humber where all three species breed.


Shelduck: In January 63 on 3rd were the first of the year.

                  WeBS counts of 22 in January, with a high count for the year of 90 on 14th.

                  48 in February.

                 10 in March with 50 on 11th and 24 on 27th.

                  Pair with 7 young on 26th May.

                  In June broods of three, eight and 15 seen during the month..

                  In August immature on 19th.

                  WeBS counts of none in October.

                  None in November but five on 20th November.

                  75 In December with other counts of nine on 9th, 25 on 15th, 32 on 19th and one on 29th being the last sighting of the year.


Wigeon: In January male on 21st was first of the year, six on 23rd, pair on 27th.

                In February pair on 18th, three males and one female on 20th, four males and one female on 25th, pair on 27th to 29th.

                In March pair seen on and off all month with male and two females on 28th.

                In April a pair sill present on 30th.

                In May two on 31st.

                In June drake on 20th.

                In July drake on 10th.

                In August pair on 15th.

                In September four on 6th, five on 8th, two on 9th, 11th, 14th, 28 on 27th.

                In October three on 3rd, eight on 5th to 10th, ten on 20th, nine on 23rd.

                In November six on 3rd, eight on 5th, six on 18th.

                Two on 9th December were the last of the year.







Gadwall:  WeBS counts of 16 in January, with 70+ seen on 31st.

                 26 in February,

                 15 in March,

                  Brood of 12 on 8th June.

                  In August 42 on 28th and 68 on 29th.

                  WeBS counts of 66 in October with 72 on 9th October highest count of the year.

                  25 in November

                  None in December.

                  At least 3 pairs bred.


Teal: In January c800 on 14th was the highest ever reserve count with;

         WeBS counts of 725 in January,

         242 in February,

         98 in March,

         In May two males and a female on 18th to 22nd.

         In June two males and a female again on 3rd with six, four males and two females from 4th onwards.

         In August two on 15th.

         WeBS counts of 218 in October,

         523 in November and

         212 in December.


Mallard: WeBS counts of 237 in January,

              70 in February,

              98 in March,

              121 in October,

              280 in November and

              151 in December

               At least 10 pairs bred raising 50+ young between them. 


Pintail: Female flew over reserve on 8th October with female on 22nd October and finally a female on 28th December.            


Garganey: Drake present on 24th April was first of the year.

                   In May drake on 5th and 14th.


Shoveler: WeBS counts of two in January, with 18 on 2nd.

                 Ten in February,

                 Five in March,

                 Pair with 7 young on 29th May.

                 In September ten on 18th, 20 on 19th and 24 on 26th.

                 WeBS counts of 38 in October being the highest count of the year,

                 23 in November.

                 But none in December.


Pochard:  WeBS counts of ten in January,

                  23 in February.

                  Eight in March.

                  In June two on 8th, drake on 13th with four on 19th.

                  In August 12 on 6th.

                  WeBS counts of ten in October.

                  40 in November

                  And only one in December.


Tufted Duck:  WeBS counts of 31 in January with a highest count of 98 on 13th,

                        54 in February,

                        49 in March,

                        19 in October,

                        31 in November

                        And three in December.

                        At least six pairs bred.                         


Goldeneye: Female on 21st January was first of the year and was then seen on and off until 27th.

                     In October male on 2nd.

                     In November female on 13th with two females on 27th and 28th.


Smew: Red-head flew east over the reserve on 11th December and was the only report of the year.


Goosander: Pair on 21st January with a male on 24th.

                     In February pair on 5th, two males and a female on 11th, female on 19th, pair on 21st, female on 25th.

                     In March female on 1st, 4 on 7th, male on 11th, female on 22nd.

                     In October female on 5th.

                     In November three, two males and a female on 8th, male on 26th.




Ruddy Duck: Pair on 15th to 20th August with female on and off until the 30th.


Red-legged Partridge: Year round resident on and around the reserve with some large flocks seen in autumn due to local releases for game



Grey Partridge: Three on 20th February, were first of the year.

                           Pair on 5th and 6th March,

                           Pair on 1st April.

                           Pair on 30th August.

                           Six on 1st October.

                           Six on 14th November.

                           In December one on 11th and 25th.


Quail: Male singing on 12th June was first of the year.

           In July singing males were one on 26th, two on 27th, and one on 28th and 29th.

           In August up to three birds singing on and off from 3rd until 16th when field was harvested.


Pheasant: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers.


Little Grebe: WeBS counts of none in January,

                      One in February.

                      One in March.

                      In July pair with five young on 3rd, but only two young survived into August.

                      WeBS count of 12 in October,

                      Four in November

                      but none in December.



Great Crested Grebe: WeBS counts of none in January,

                                     Five in February.

                                     Five in March.

                                     3 pairs nesting by end of April with first pair hatching 5 young on 1st May.

                                     In September seven on 25th.

                                     WeBS counts of five in October,

                                     Two in November

                                     but none in December.



Red-necked Grebe: Juvenile present from 10th to 19th September and was the first record for the reserve.  


Cormorant: WeBS counts of none in January, February or March,

                    Nine on 13th February were the first of the year.

                    In May four on 27th and 28th.

                    In July eight on 30th.

                    In August nine on 3rd with ten on 17th.

                    WeBS count of three in October,

                    Three in November

                    and none in  December.


Little Egret: One on 27th February was first of the year.

                     In May one on 20th and 29th.

                     In June one flew north-west on 28th, with one on 29th.

                     In July one on 2nd, 11th, 26th and 31st.

                     In August one on 13th and 22nd.

                     In September single on 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th and15th with one present from 20th to 25th.

                     In October one on 10th was the last sighting of the year.


Grey Heron: One flying North on 17th February was the first sighting of the year.

                      One over reserve on 27th March.

                      In April two on 25th.

                      In May one flew north on 25th and five circled over reserve before flying off North on 29th.

                      In June one on 12th and 18th, two on 27th and one on 29th.

                      In July one on 6th flew over carrying a Grass Snake in its beak, one on 10th and 17th.

                      In August one on 2nd, 6th and 12th..

                      In September one on 27th.

                      In October one on 7th and 16th.

                      In November one on 27th.

                      In December one on 5th was the last sighting of the year.







Red Kite: Two on 29th January,

                 One on 16th and 21st February

                 In March one on 12th and 14th.

                 In April one on 6th, two on 9th, one on 11th and two on 17th.

                 In May one on 1st and 17th.

                 In June one on 27th, 28th and 29th.

                 In July one on 6th and 18th.

                 In August one on 27th.

                 In September one on 13th.

                 In October one on 24th.


Marsh Harrier: One flew over on 30th January.

                          Female on 9th February and seen again on 12th, 20th and 22nd.

                          In March female on 6th and 28th.

                          In April female flew south-west on 3rd.

                          In June one on 7th male on 25th and 27th.

                          In July male on 9th, 21st and 30th.

                          In August male on 1st and 3rd juvenile on 5th, female on 8th, one on 21st.

                          In September female seen on 3rd, 6th, 18th and 20th.

                          In October female on 19th and 24th when it caught, killed and ate a moorhen.

                          In November female on 13th, 14th, 17th, 18th and 25th.


Goshawk: One seen distantly over woodland to North on 3rd April was only report of the year.


Sparrowhawk: Seen on and off throughout the year and in every month of the year usually seen in singles but up to 4 seen displaying in spring.


Buzzard: Seen on and off throughout the year and in every month of the year with up to 14 seen in the air together in the autumn.


Osprey: One flew south over reserve on 14th September and was the only record of the year.


Merlin: Female on 6th January,

             Female flew south on 28th February.

             In November one on 4th with a male on 20th and 23rd.

             Finally a female on 6th December.


Hobby: One on 3rd May was first of the year, with one on 17th and 24th.

              In June one on 7th and 20th.

              In July one on 14th, 24th and 25th.

              In August one on 13th, two south on 18th, two again on 20th, one on 24th and 30th.

              In September one on 4th, 5th, 13th and 19th.

              In October one on 7th was last sighting of the year.



Peregrine: In January one on 31st was first of the year.

                   In February one on 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th and 18th.

                   In March one on 12th, 13th, 14th and 30th.

                   In April immature on 4th.

                   In May one on 7th.

                   In July one on 25th.

                   In August one on 6th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 27th and 29th.

                   In September one on 8th, 14th and 16th.

                   In October one on 12th, 13th, 14th and 16th.

                   In November one on 7th was last report of the year.


Water Rail: In September one on 6th and 19th.

                     In October one on 10th, 24th to 26th.

                     In November two on 7th, one on 20th and 27th.

                     In December three on 4th, two on 5th, then one seen daily along  unfrozen ditch by car park from 9th to 31st December.


Moorhen: WeBS counts of 12 in January,

                  22 in February,

                  19 in March,

                  25 in October,

                  19 in November

                  One in December.

                  At least six pairs bred.










Coot: WeBS counts of 160 in January,

           152 in February,

           108 in March,

           138 in October,

           153 in November and

            59 in December.

            At least 12 pairs bred.


Oystercatcher: One on 12th February was first of the year with three on 17th and four on 18th February, eight on 25th and 27th.

                           In March 21 on 5th, seven on 6th, 22 on 12th, 14 on 13th and 27th.

                           In May pair with three young on 11th.

                           In July 17 on 6th, 22 on 15th, pair with three young on 31st.


Avocet: One on 19th March was the first of the year then seen on and off for the rest of the month with a maximum of 16 on 27th and 27th.

              In April a maximum count of 31 on 17th with 10 pairs sitting by the end of the month.

              The first chicks seen on 14th May with never more than 11 chicks seen on any one day out of 16 nesting pairs.

              By mid June only four chicks were being seen all of which fledged successfully.

              The last report of the year was a single flying south over the reserve on 8th August.


Little Ringed Plover: One on 24th March was first of the year with one again on 30th.

                                    Two pairs present by end of April and throughout May.

                                    In June three on 1st, two on 6th, one on 8th.

                                    In July two juveniles on 2nd to 5th, pair with two small chicks seen from 11th onwards but only one chick survived.

                                    In August two juveniles on 2nd, one on 5th, two juveniles on 6th, adult and juvenile on 10th to12th with three on 13th.


Ringed Plover: One on 5th March was first of the year with up to three seen at times during rest of the month..

                           Two pairs present by end of April.

                           A flock of 12 on 25th May with a flock of 13 on 30th May.

                           Adult on 8th September with a juvenile on 10th and 11th September being the last of the year.


Golden Plover: Four on 6th February were the first sightings of the year.

                          In July 1 on 9th was first of the autumn, 100+ flew west on 21st with nine on 28th and 56 on 30th.

                          In August 50+ on 3rd, 20 on 13th, two on 14th, nine on 17th, 40 on 18th, 20 on 23rd, ten on 30th.

                          In September c100 on 4th, 9 on 5th, 1 on 8th and 10th with 4 on 23rd.

                          In October 30+ on 1st. 200 south on 16th.

                          In November 33 on 17th, 20 on 19th.


Lapwing:  WeBS counts of 21 in January,

                  237 in February,

                  210 in March.

                 137 in October,

                  31 in November with c700 on 28th.

                  And none in December.

                  Up to 20 pairs bred on the site with first chicks seen 21st April with at least 40 young fledged.


Knot: Adult winter on 29th January was first of the year.

           Adult winter present from 28th February to 4th March.


Pectoral Sandpiper: Two adults present from 30th April to 1st May (Stuart Griffiths)


Curlew Sandpiper: One on 8th September was only sighting of the year.


Little Stint: One present from 3rd to 8th September.


Temminck’s Stint: One on 26th May was only sighting of the year. (Gary Dayes/Stuart Griffiths)


Dunlin: One on 17th January was first of the year.

              One on 6th and 18th February.

              In March one on 20th, two on 21st, one on 28th.

              In April one on 5th, 22nd, three on 24th, two on 25th, 26th, and 27th.

              In May one on 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 30th.

              In June five on 1st, six on 2nd, one on 3rd, 8th and 13th.

              In July one on 6th, two on 13th, one on 16th to 18th, one on 28th and 29th with four on 30th.

              In August one on 1st, 3rd, 12th, 13th with seven on 29th.

              In September four on 5th, one on 25th and two on 27th.

              In October one on 1st, two on 19th, one on 20th and 31st.

              In November one on 1st, four on 18th and one on 20th

                     One on 30th December was last of the year.






Ruff: One on 13th August was first of the year with one on 15th.

          In September one on 4th, two on 8th, one on 27th.

          In October one on 5th, 7th, 9th and 17th.

          In November two on 13th were the last of the year.


Jack Snipe: One on 21st February was first of the year.

                     In October one on 17th and 22nd.

                     In November one on 20th, 27th and 28th.

                     In December one on 30th and 31st.            


Snipe: WeBS counts on none in January,

             39 in February,

             21 in March,

             52 in October,

             28 in November and

             none in December.

             Other counts made during the year were 16 on 16th April.

             In May one on 2nd, 19th and 22nd.

             In June singles on 7th, 8th, 22nd and 29th.

             One on 12th and 17th July with three on 26th.

             In August four on 3rd with five on 6th.

             Ten+ on 31st August.

             In September 52 on 29th.

             50+ on 5th November.

             In December six+ on 31st.


Woodcock: In January one on 6th and 10th.

                    In March one on 19th.

                    In December two on 3rd, singles on 4th, 6th, 11th, 28th, 29th and 30th.


Black-Tailed Godwit: One on 1st of March was first of the year with one on 5th March.

                                     In June one on 19th and 20th with three on 29th.

                                     In July six on 5th and 9th, six flew east on 14th with three on 31st.

                                     In August one on 3rd and 5th, eight on 10th and three on 24th.

                                     In October seven on 16th.


Bar-tailed Godwit: 6 flew east over reserve on 4th September.


Whimbrel: Two on 29th April were the first of the year.

                   In May one on 11th and two on 13th.

                In July one on 31st.

                   One on 8th August.


Curlew: One on 23rd January was first of the year,

               In April 23 flying south on 2nd, 30+ north on 9th, 20 south on 17th.

               In July one on 6th, four on 20th and six on 27th.

               In August three on 7th with three on 28th.

               16 on 1st October,

               29 flying south on 3rd November being the highest autumn day total.

               One on 12th December was the last sighting of the year.


Spotted Redshank: Juvenile on 4th September was only sighting of the year.


Redshank: WeBS counts of four in January with 113 on 17th and 158 on 29th.

                    In February 158 again on 27th.

                    In March 16 on 14th.

                    In July two on 17th.

                    In August single on 13th to 15th and again on 26th to 29th.

                    In September three on 25th,

                    WeBS count of one in October,

                    Ten in November with 15+ on 10th.

                    and none in December but a single seen on 23rd, 25th and 30th.


Greenshank: One on 7th March was first report of the year.

                       Four on 9th May with one on 9th.

                       In July one on 14th.

                       In August one on 4th, 8th, 10th, two on 12th, one on 13th and 15th, flock of 6 briefly on 16th, one on 18th to 20th, 24th, two on 27th to 30th.

                       In September two on 2nd, singles on 6th, 9th and 13th.

                       In October one on 5th, 9th and 10th.






Green Sandpiper: One heard calling on 23rd January was first of the year,

                               One on 27th February.

                               In April one on 3rd and 12th.

                               In May one on 4th.

                               In June two on 30th.

                               In July one heard on 6th, one on 10th, two on 13th to16th, one on 17th, 20th to 23rd and one on 31st.

                               In August one on 2nd, 6th to 8th, 10th, three on 13th, one on 17th to 21st, three on 22nd, one on 23rd, 28th and 30th.

                               In September one on 4th, 6th, 10th, 16th to 19th, 23rd and 27th.

                               In October one on 4th and 6th with two on 7th and one on 8th.

                               In November one on 19th and 24th.


Wood Sandpiper: One on 26th April was first of the year with another on 28th.

                               In May singles on 7th to 9th, 14th to17th, and 22nd to 27th.

                               In July two juveniles on 8th were the last of the year.


Common Sandpiper: Two on 20th April were the first of the year then up to three seen on and off throughout April.

                                     In May one 1st to 3rd, three+ on 4th, one on 6th, 8th, 11th and 21st with two on 22nd and one on 23rd.

                                     In July one on 3rd to 5th, two on 6th to 9th, four on 10th and 11th, two on 13th to16th, one on 17th, five on 20th, three on 21st,

                                     One on 22nd to 24th, one on 27th to 29th with two on 31st.

                                     In August one on 15th, 16th, 19th to 23rd, 29th.

                                     In September two on 5th, one on 11th, 13th, 17th 19th and 24th.

                                     In October one on 4th, 6th and 7th.


Turnstone: One on 25th May was first of the year with three on 29th being the only other report of the year.


Mediterranean Gull: Adult winter on 19th January was first of the year.

                                  Adult winter again on 11th February.

                                  1st winter bird present on 23rd April.

                                  In May 2 near adult birds on 23rd with one again from 25th to 29th displaying to Black-headed Gulls, with a 1st summer on 30th.

                                  In July an adult and 2nd winter on 4th, adult on the 5th, 9th, 11th and 12th with a 2nd summer on 19th.

                                  In August 1st winter on 30th.

                                  In September adult on 14th. 

                                  In November adult winter on 14th.


Little Gull: In May a 1st summer on 16th May was first of the year with an adult on 21st being the only other report.


Black-headed Gull: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 300 pairs breeding.


Common Gull: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with up to 50 birds seen at times.


Herring Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with counts of 100+ seen occasionally in pre-roost gatherings during the autumn.


Yellow-legged Gull: Adult and 3rd summer on 27th June were the first of the year.

                                   In July 3rd summer on 2nd, 3rd and 4th, two adults on 5th, adult and 2nd summer on 6th, four adults on 11th, one adult on 16th

                                   Adult and 3rd summer on 17th, adult on 18th, 22nd to 24th. two adults and 2nd summer on 19th, 

                                   adult on 22nd, four adults on 25th, 3rd summer on 26th, 27th and 30th.  

                                   In August adult on 2nd, 3rd summer on 3rd, with adult on 10th and14th.

                                   Adult on 15th September was last of the year.


Glaucous Gull: Adult for 10 minutes on 3rd January before flying off to the South-East and was the first record for the reserve.


Lesser Black-backed Gull: One on 6th March was the first of the year with a pair by end of the month.

                                             112 counted on 22nd June.

                                              A colour-ringed adult seen on 22nd July had been ringed at Stoke Orchard landfill site Gloucestershire on 26th March

                                              2005 and was seen at Boca do Rio, Porto do Son, Caruna, Spain 6 days after the North Cave Wetlands sighting.

                                              In autumn several pre-roost counts of c200 were made.


Greater Black-backed Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with occasional large gatherings of up to 100 birds in autumn.


Sandwich Tern: Adult moulting into winter plumage on 4th July was only the second record for the reserve.


Common Tern: One on 28th April was first of the year.

                           In May one on 1st and 4th, two on 5th, one on 7th, four on 12th, three on 21st.

                           In June three on 1st with two pairs nesting by end of the Month.

                           In July two pairs one with 2 juveniles and one with one on 23rd.

                           Three juveniles still on 12th August.

                           Two adults with a juvenile on 3rd September


Arctic Tern: One briefly on 7th May then flew north was the first of the year with one on 4th September the only other sighting.


Little Tern: One flew north through the reserve on 27th July.




Black Tern: Juvenile present on 2nd and 3rd October was the only record of the year.


Stock Dove: Seen in every month of the year except January, usually seen in ones or twos but occasional flocks of up to ten seen at times.


Woodpigeon: Year round resident on and around the reserve with large flocks of several hundred in surrounding fields during autumn and winter

                        months, at least one pair bred on the reserve.


Collared Dove: Seen in every month of the year, usually seen singularly or in pairs flying over the reserve.  


Turtle Dove: 2 on 5th June was the only record of the year.


Cuckoo:  1 heard only on 1st May was first and only report of the year.


Barn Owl: One on 6th November,

                  One on 5th December with one on 30th December being reported to be a ‘Dark-breasted’ type bird, these were the only reports

                  of this formally common bird which appears to have been hit badly by the recent bad winters.


Little Owl: One on 2nd October was only report of the year.


Short-eared Owl: One on 13th October was only sighting of the year.


Swift: One on 22nd April was the first of the year with three on 29th and two on 30th.

           70+ on 18th July.

           In August one on 14th.


Kingfisher: One on 6th March was first of the year with one on 26th.

                     In April one on 8th and 9th.

                     One on 16th and 17th June.

                     In July one on 25th.

                     In August one on 1st, 2nd, 10th, 13th, 19th, 27th and 29th.

                     In September one on 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, two on 13th, one on 17th, 19th, 24th and 25th.

                     In October one on 7th and 31st.  

                     In November one on 15th was the last sighting of the year.


Green Woodpecker: One or two birds seen and off all year with a juvenile seen on 30th June and 17th July.

                                   Three seen together on 27th November.


Great Spotted Woodpecker: Singles seen on and off throughout the year and seen in every month of the year except May with 3 together on 6th



Woodlark: 1 flew west over the reserve calling on 19th November and was a new species for the reserve.


Skylark: Seen on and off throughout the year with c100 on 2nd January being the largest flock seen during the year, with birds singing from 10th

                January onwards.  Up to three pairs bred on the reserve.


Sand Martin: 6 on 19th March were the first of the year with 15 on 20th, 24 on 21st and 45 on 29th.

                       At least 300 pairs bred on fresh sand cliffs of the new workings, south of Dryham Lane.

                       In October 2 on 9th were the last of the year.


Swallow: One on 24th March was first of the year, with 1 on 29th and 30th.

                 In April 10+ on 2nd, 30+ on 3rd.

                 c200 were counted flying  south on 20th September.

                 In October 7 on 2nd.1 on 3rd, 10 on 5th, 2 on 9th, 3 on 10th and finally 1 on 12th.


House Martin: Three on 31st March were the first of the year.

                         Occasional feeding groups of up to 40 birds seen in poor weather during the summer.

                         In October one on 12th was the last of the year.


Meadow Pipit: Seen throughout and in every month of the year except January and December  in small numbers with at least one pair breeding

                          on the reserve.


Yellow Wagtail: One on 9th April was the first of the year, three on 10th, two on 11th, six on 13th, three on 14th, two on 15th, one on 16th,

                            Seven on 17th, 22nd, 25th, 27th.

                            In May one on 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, 16th, two on 20th, 22nd,23rd, 24th, 26th,

                            In June one on 3rd and 8th with pair on 20th.

                            In July one on 5th, 6th, two on 10th (female + juvenile), five on 16th, one on 18th, three juveniles on 21st.

                            In August  five  pair with three juvenile on 1st,  one on 3rd, two  juveniles on 5th, six on 23rd.

                            In September one on 6th, two on 8th, one on 9th, 10th, 17th, 18th with the last of the year seen on 20th.







Grey Wagtail: One on 21st January was the first of the year.

                         One on 7th February.

                         One on 12th March,

                         In June one on 13th and 29th.

                         One on 6th and 11th July.

                         One on 4th, 25th and 27th September.

                         In October one on 9th, two on 12th. one on 13th and 23rd.  

                         In November one on 18th and finally one on 20th.


Pied Wagtail: Seen throughout and in every month of the year in varying numbers with daily counts of up to 50 birds seen at times in autumn.


Waxwing: Six on 31st October.

                  In November two on 8th.

                  Five on 1st December with two on 7th.


Wren: Year round resident on the reserve in small numbers with the odd pair breeding.


Dunnock: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Robin: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Redstart: Juvenile present from 29th July to 1st September when it had moulted into 1st winter male plumage.


Whinchat: Three on 18th August were the first of the year with one on 19th the only other sighting of the year.


Stonechat: Two females on 3rd September were the first of the year.

                    Male on 12th October.


Wheatear: One on 24th April was the first of the year with another on 27th.

                   In May male on 7th and 8th with female on 9th and male on 16th.

                   In June female on 10th.

                   In September one on 11th.

                   In October one on 5th to 7th.


Blackbird: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Fieldfare: 20+ over reserve on 2nd January were first of the year, then 1000+ flying over reserve during 30th January.

                 One on 7th October with 60+ flew west on 20th October.

                 50+ on 17th November.


Song Thrush: Year round resident on the reserve with at least one pair breeding.


Redwing: One on 10th October 300+ flew west on 20th October.  20+ on 17th November.                 


Mistle Thrush: Seen in every month of the year except January, September and October with seven on 12th December being highest single day



Sedge Warbler: One on 21st April was the first of the year with at least five singing birds present by the end of the month.

                           At least eight pairs bred.

                           One still on 11th September was last report of the year.


Reed Warbler: One on 25th April was first of the year with at least four present by end of the month.

                          At least seven pairs bred this year.

                          One still present and singing on 1st October was the last report of the year.


Lesser Whitethroat: One on 24th April was first of the year, with two present by end of the month.

                                   In May three+ birds singing on 3rd and 11th.

                                   In June at least two pairs present and successfully breeding.

                                   One on 1st September was last report of the year.


Whitethroat: One on 20th April was the first of the year.

                      At least six pairs bred around the reserve


Garden Warbler: One on 3rd May was first of the year with another on 31st.

                             One on 25th June was the only other report of the year.


Blackcap: Male singing on 29th March was first of the year.

                  In April two on 8th and 9th with three on 23rd.  

                  One on 28th August.

                  In September one on 1st and finally one on 5th.






Chiffchaff: One on 19th March was first of the year with one on 28th and 31st.  

                    In April one on 3rd, 6th and 10th.

                    In September one on 12th, two on 23rd, one on 26th,

                    In October four+ on 2nd, one on 8th and finally one on 24th.


Willow Warbler: One on 2nd April was first of the year with four+ by end of the month.

                            At least one pair bred successfully.

                            One on 3rd September with two on 6th and one on 8th,

                            In October one on 2nd was last report of the year.


Goldcrest: Six+ on 2nd and 3rd of October were the first reports of the year with two+ on 5th to 8th then seen regularly throughout rest of the month.

                   In November singles on 7th, 13th, 20th and final report of the year one on 21st.


Spotted Flycatcher: One on 2nd September was first of the year with one also seen on 10th.


Long-tailed Tit: Seen on and off in every month of the year in small numbers with at least two pairs breeding in the reserve hedgerows.


Willow Tit: Two on 15th August was the only report of the year.


Coal Tit: One on 3rd July was first of the year,

               One on 5th, 9th and 18th September.

               One on 20th to 22nd November.

               In December one on 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th and 19th.


Blue Tit: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 5 pairs using nest boxes on the reserve.


Great Tit: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 3 pairs using nest boxes on the reserve.


Treecreeper: One on 1st March was first of the year.

                       One on 30th July.

                       One seen on 11th, 17th and 28th October,

                       In December one seen on and off until last seen on 23rd.


Jay: One seen on 12th and13th September

        One seen on 2nd and 3rd October.


Magpie: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers with at least one pair breeding.


Jackdaw: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with some large pre roost gatherings during the winter months.


Rook: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with some large pre roost gatherings during the winter months.


Carrion Crow: Year round resident on and around the reserve with at least one pair successfully raising two young.


Raven: One reported circling over ridge just east of reserve with two Buzzards on 18th April.

             Two reported over reserve on 17th May with one reported on 25th May.


Starling: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers with the odd pair breeding a ‘white’ starling was seen on 16th and 18th

               July with small starling flock.


House Sparrow: Six on 6th January, were the first of the year.

                            20+ on 7th August was the highest count of the year of this formally scarce visitor, but with the addition of the ‘Wild Bird Café’ to

                            the site this species is becoming more common.


Tree Sparrow: High counts of 30+ on 7th August, 50+ on 3rd and 19th September with 50+ throughout October, November and December around

                          the winter bird  feeding stations. Up to 5 pairs bred in the reserves nest boxes.


Chaffinch: Year round resident in small numbers with a few pair breeding on the reserve.


Brambling: Female on 1st January.

                    In November two on 3rd with one on 13th.

                    In December one on 5th, four on 11th, six on 12th and finally one on 29th.


Greenfinch: Year round resident in small numbers with a few pair breeding on the reserve.


Goldfinch: Year round resident in small numbers with a few pair breeding on the reserve.









Siskin: In January one on 15th and 17th, four on 23rd, three on 24th and 30th.

            In February six on 7th, one on 12th and 13th, four on 18th, 20 on 19th, three on 20th, 20 on 21st and 27th.

            In March four on 6th and one on 14th.

            In September 18 on 30th.

            In October four on 2nd, 12 on 8th, 20+ on 10th, and 80+ on 18th.

            Present daily throughout November with 100+ on 17th.

            In December 10+ on 3rd, 50+ on 4th, 80+ on 5th and 100+ on 29th.


Linnet: Present on and off throughout and in every month of the year in small numbers.


Twite: Two birds reported on the new workings on 26th April.


Lesser Redpoll: In January six on 2nd, three on 3rd, one on 10th, three on 13th, four on 17th, one on 21st, two on 23rd, three on 24th,  two on 26th,

                            six on 29th and one on 30th.

                            In February one on 3rd, two on 6th, six on 7th, four on 12th, 13th and 14th, 12 on 16th, three on 19th and eight on 21st.

                            In March one on 20th.

                            In April one on 8th.

                            In October two on 30th.

                            In November one on 10th.

                            In December 11 on 4th, four on 11th and 12th with one on 29th.


Bullfinch: In January pair on 1st, 2nd and 4th, three on 6th, 10th, six on 13th, eight on 14th, two on 21st.

                  In February four on 12th and 13th, one on 16th, two on 18th and one on 25th.

                  In June male on 12th and 27th.

                  In July female and two juveniles on 13th, 16th and 18th, with three on 24th and 25th.

                  In August male on 15th and 30th.

                  In September three on 17th with a female on 25th.

                  In October female on 17th, male on 23rd, two females and a male on 24th.

                  In November one on 6th, two on 14th, 18th and  21st with singles on 22nd, 26th to 28th.

                  In December three on 23rd, six+ on 24th, pair on 25th, four on 26th, three+ on 31st.


Yellowhammer: In January two on 1st, five on 8th and 23rd, nine on 24th, four on 27th and seven on 29th.  

                            In February two on 6th, 18 on 13th and nine on 16th, one on 17th, five on 18th and 28th.

                            In March 12 on 1st, two on 5th, one on 6th.

                            In April two on 11th.

                            In July one on 24th.

                            In August one on 7th and 14th.

                            In October one on 23rd,

                            In December one on 12th.


Reed Bunting: Year round resident on the reserve in small numbers with up to four pairs breeding.


Corn Bunting: One on 17th February was the first of the year with two on 21st.

                          Two on 21st March.

                          In April one singing on 10th, 18th and 23rd.

                          In May up to three birds singing around the reserve.

                          Two+ singing throughout June and July with a juvenile seen on 30th July.

                          In August one singing still on 1st to 3rd with three seen on 18th.

                          In September two on 4th with five on 10th.

                          In October four on 23rd, singing birds on 24th and 30th with seven on 31st.

                          In November single on 6th, 10th and 17th with two on 20th.




   In total 155 species of bird were recorded on or from the reserve in 2010 with three new species recorded.



Black Swan: In May two on 12th and again on 30th. In June two on 7th, 14th, 16th, then present throughout July, August, and September.